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Vancouver is Wonderful, so why do we complain?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MAYNARDKING, Feb 5, 2011.


    MAYNARDKING New Member

    Vancouver is a beautiful, Utopian city, yet everyday I hear so many people complaining about this city of ours. Why are we so ungrateful?

    This is a great essay for everyone in vancouver to read :


    nice pictures too :)

    (Almost all of your posts are about your blog, please review the community guidelines - FV Admin)
  2. 6u-huo.l.uV

    6u-huo.l.uV Moderator Staff Member

  3. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Don't be Scumbag Steve...
  4. MooGooMouse

    MooGooMouse Junior Member

    I'm not complaining. My only complaint is those who are complaining.
  5. Klues

    Klues New Member

    Who's complaining?
  6. Angrios

    Angrios New Member

    I am.
  7. I went to Vancouver for the very first time last November during the first major snowfall there this past winter.

    What a beautiful city!! What other major city in Canada has trees, mountains, water and more trees all within close proximity to each other?

    I live in Fort McMurray, Alberta and although there are lots of trees here, it's not much else but an oilsands wasteland. The work experience is great though, and I'm enjoying the nice sunny and comfortable spring weather.
  8. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    ^What do you do there and how's the pay? From what I've heard it's a good way to make money as long as you stay away from the drugs and drinking (since there's not much else to do there).
  9. 604YVR

    604YVR Full Member

    I heard the same about Fort Mac
  10. I work in an oilsands site as a contractor in the water treatment industry: Maintenance and operations of a pre-treatment system for boilers.

    The pay is great for any of the tradespersons up here, like people with a power engineering trade. I have a university background, so my income is not nearly as high as the typical oil worker. In fact, I get paid about a third of what a lot of the guys get paid here.

    It doesn't matter though. I'm here for the hands-on work experience, which is sometimes hard to find if you have a university degree.
  11. 604YVR

    604YVR Full Member

    I think this music video sums it all up...


    APReal likes this.
  12. Vivek Golikeri

    Vivek Golikeri Active Member

    It's called recreational complaining. Just as chain smokers can't be happy without their puff, chain grumblers cannot be happy without bitching about something. Burp-burp! Fart-fart!
  13. Bine

    Bine Full Member

    Cost is high.
  14. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    What would humans do if they couldn't complain???

    It's too Hot! It's too Cold!
    Too much Rain! Not enough Rain!
    The buses are too full! They shouldn't waste money on running half empty buses!

    I do think that generally speaking, most people in the area are feeling tapped out money wise... Everything adds up to being a really expensive place to live... Taxes, taxes, taxes... User fees, user fees, user fees...

    I do think that we do live in a great part of the world... Some are often too busy to stop and smell the roses from time to time...

    The ONE type of complainer that I have no time for: is the ones that buy/move into a neighbourhood near an airport- or flight path, and then bitch and complain about the planes that have been there for 50+ years!
    A great example, is east Ladner. S-o-m-e- people buy ($500,000+) into east Ladner and then are amazed that all these little planes are in the air??? HELLO- Boundary Bay Airport has been there since like World War 2!!!
  15. Edward

    Edward Guest

    The blog has been taken down.

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