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Chips tasting like plastic

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by flutterby, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. flutterby

    flutterby Active Member

    so i had a second popular brand of potato chip and had a yucky plastic taste in my mouth that also made me feel sick. could they be lining chip bags with plastic now? typically no way to contct the manufacturer on their site.
    the mechanic likes this.
  2. flutterby

    flutterby Active Member

    thevfirst two different natches were ruffles and the third brand was miss vickies. no way to contact on their site.
    the mechanic likes this.
  3. the mechanic

    the mechanic Active Member

    ... i LOVE miss vickies chips! :D
  4. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    the mechanic likes this.

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