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Transit Jobs NOW!!! Coast Mountain Bus is HIRING!

Discussion in 'Employment and Students' started by Superchecker, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Union workers work under a collective agreement, so Labour Laws don't always apply...
  2. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    John, If interested in driving Conventional, they used to require new applicants to go out and actually ride some of the city trolley routes, such as a 3 MAIN, 8 FRASER OR 20 VICTORIA... They used to suggest riding during an afternoon rush hour as well as during the evenings... See how the driver gets thru the day... The Traffic, the trolley overhead... The people...

    If Interested in Community Shuttle, go and ride some of those routes too...

    Some operators might even chat with you...
  3. john riley

    john riley Full Member

    Hi Superchecker,

    Thank you for all your help with my questions!

    I have a road test scheduled with Translink, so my fingers are crossed!

    Last question: If you bank a stat day, does this count as more than one day towards vacation?
    Superchecker likes this.
  4. john riley

    john riley Full Member

    Other Members,

    Coast Mountain has changed their interview process. You only have to wait 6 months to re-apply for a position and not a year anymore. Hope this encourages others to reapply!! Good luck!!
    Superchecker likes this.
  5. john riley

    john riley Full Member

    Do bus drivers still get paid sick days? I know it was in the old union contracts, but I have not been able to find the new contracts.

    Superchecker likes this.
  6. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Yes, drivers get paid sick days... We have both an employer funded Short Term sick plan, (under 17 weeks I believe), and an employee funded Long Term sick plan (eighteen weeks thru 104 weeks)...

    As for stat days: There are 12 paid stat holidays every year at CMBC... Every August (Fall sign up) you will be asked if you'd like to bank any stat days in the following calendar year... You can bank 0, 5 or 10 stat days per year... If you do bank them you can then take one week (5 days) or two weeks (10 days) extra weeks of vacation off, BUT "banked stats"cannot be taken off in Prime time= whenever the kids are out of school...

    One can also bank either 0, 5 days worth or 10 days worth of Overtime each year as well....
  7. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    Drivers at Coast Mountain Bus used to belong to the Canadian Auto Workers union.. That union recently merged with another union and we are now part of UNIFOR....

    I believe we are still local #111, where as the mechanics are local #2200...
  8. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

  9. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

  10. john riley

    john riley Full Member


    I meant paid sick days per year. I believe employees used to have 6 paid sick days a year. Is this still in the contract?

    Superchecker likes this.
  11. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    That question was answered: YES You get paid sick days...
  12. M2013121

    M2013121 Guest

    Thanks supper
  13. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    The COMMUNITY SHUTTLE OPERATOR TRAINEE posting was re-posted again as of todays date....

    PLUS they added a SERVICEPERSON posting as well: $19.30- $27.57 Hr, 4 nights a week!
  14. M2013121

    M2013121 Guest

    Really? can you please tell me where you get this news?
  15. M2013121

    M2013121 New Member

    Hi John,

    Could please tell me where did you get this news? from Coast mountain HR?
    Superchecker likes this.
  16. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    On the TransLink website, under BUS OPERATOR OPPORTUNITIES, one of the frequently asked question is when can one re-apply?...

    The posted answer says it depends on what point the applicant made it to before losing out.... AND that the applicant would be notifed by HR as to how long they have to wait to re-apply...
  17. john riley

    john riley Full Member

    I recently had a panel interview and they said that people can reapply 6 months after being rejected. So maybe this is only after an interview.
    Superchecker likes this.
  18. john riley

    john riley Full Member


    Do you have any idea what the driving test is like after the panel interview? What they may be looking for and how long this takes?

    Superchecker likes this.
  19. M2013121

    M2013121 New Member

    Thank you John . I applied this position last year. And I didn't pass the interview . I got an email said i need to wait for a year to re apply it. After I saw your post , I think May be they have changed the process . So I emailed to HR , HR told me that the one year rule still applied . I'm confused.Do you remember the person's name who told you 6 months can re apply it . I appreciate it
    Superchecker likes this.
  20. Superchecker

    Superchecker Active Member

    I would suggest that you apply for any and all postings available!

    Get your foot in the door as a SERVICEPERSON ($19.30 an hr, 4 day work week) and then apply for driving later....

    OR apply for Community Shuttle and then wait a year or two before applying for Conventional....

    If you should happen to already have the appropriate license, Go and drive for West Vancouver Blue Buses for this Spring & Summer!

    As for John's question about the driving test: What I remember, from 20+ years ago was, you meet up with an instructor, watch like a 5 or 10 minute video on How to do turns in a 40 foot bus, and then he takes you out on a bus, and gets you to turn corners.. Like 49th onto Main, onto 41, onto Fraser, onto 49, onto Knight, onto 41 etc...
    There was also a brief trolley retriever test to see if you have the upper body strenght to deal with the (old style?) trolley rope and retrievers...
    I think the whole process was about 60 to 90 minutes....

    If you are needing a short term job until things at transit come together for you: MetroVancouver needs seasonal PARKS workers NOW: $25 an hour...
    OR: BC Ferries should be posting their seasonal needs in February... Union wages...

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