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Vancouver Riot Downtown after Canucks Lose Stanley Cup 2011

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by milquetoast, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Everything was Quiet out in Surrey.. Most of the idiots involved were young males between the age of 17-27 from all over the lower mainland not just Surrey. Surrey isn't the only place all these pinheads came from Why single out one city... Just Stupid...
  2. NotFunny

    NotFunny Guest

    F#$% off, Toronto.
  3. lyphe

    lyphe Guest

    Wow, you could not have done much more to portray yourself as a low class hick town than what you did last night. What a total embarassment you are to yourselves.

    First you react to losing by setting your own city on fire. Nice. Gee, we lost the stanley cup and are pissed off ... let's go trash the place we live in. Boston must be laughing their asses off at what took place last night. Even Miami knew how to react after losing the NBA championship to Dallas in a similarly heated series. Vancouver? Nope. Too stupid to figure out that trashing your own city is just adding "dumb" to the wound.

    Next are all the pictures of the people looting. And it isn't "thugs' or "just a few baddies" ... nope ... it looks like a cross-section of all different types of people. Clean cut ... old and young ... Cannuck jersey wearing fans - showing that the riot seemed to be a fairly good cross-representation of your population as a whole. Nice Vancouver. With people like that, you didn't deserve the Olympics and you sure didn't deserve to be in the cup final. I used to think Vancouver looked like a very cool city. Now, I'm so disgusted by what I saw that I've gone out of my way to let you know what people from other locales think of you.

    Finally, you validate Boston winning the cup. I can't imagine anything less agreeable that letting you win it. I had been rooting for Vancouver to win the entire year ... but after what I saw last night, I'll never root for another Vancouver team to win anything again. In fact, if I see you vying for any type of large scale event - I'll be sure to email the organizers every time and remind them of who they are dealing with. I hope this haunts you for years.

    In short - you embarassed your country and yourselves. The world was learning to see Vancouver as a unique and great city ... but today, all we see is a bunch of uneducated hicks - pretending to be world class. There is nothing I hate more than poor sportsmanship and crap like what you pulled after the loss.

    City of losers.
  4. vanheart

    vanheart Guest

    Please be certain of people's guilt before you post their information here. I saw this photo earlier today and read that apparently this guy was actually trying to stop the rioters. He'd grabbed the stick from the guy who was smashing the windows and was yelling something like "Stop" and "Why are you doing this?" when the photo was taken. I can't confirm this for sure, but I can see the possibility.
  5. Torontonian here (sorry). People have told me Jason Li looks EXACTLY like me, right down to the glasses ._.
  6. blah blah

    blah blah New Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2015
  7. annonymous

    annonymous Guest

    Zac Chan is from maple ridge.
  8. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    You fell for a troll. The person who wrote that little story was going around the facebook groups writing good Samaritan stories about all of the pictures. It was hard to tell with Jason Li, but obvious when he started writing about how the obvious looters were "giving merchandise to security guards".

    No one can say for sure just by the picture whether or not he's guilty but if you look at a larger photo, you clearly see glass on the hockey stick which makes it more likely that he did smash in BMO.

    Man I wonder what Jason's parents think, his face has been plastered all over the internet and newspaper. Do you think they brought out the featherduster on him? Looks like the kid is in highschool too, so there's a good chance he just destroyed any chance of him going to professional school like medicine or pharm.


    More higher resolution pictures: http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/06/16/photos-riots-fire-destruction-after-vancouvers-loss/
  9. No, you f off. Vancouver is a disgusting city, and all of you piece of shit cunt retards deserve to be fined and punished to highest degree that your law dictates. WWHHAAAAAAAA, WE LOST TO BOSTON. THAT MEANS WE HAVE TO BE IMMATURE F**KS WHO ACT LIKE CHILDREN BECAUSE WE ALL HAVE THE IQ OF A F**CKING FIFTH GRADER. WWWWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Eat sh%# and die, all of you f***ing losers. You're not worth the scum on your mothers' c***ts.

    Admin Note - I was initially going to remove these posts, but changed my mind because they are idiotic enough to laugh at However, if anyone is offended, please flag the posts by clicking "Report" and I will promptly delete them.
  11. JSMamanda

    JSMamanda New Member


    So Apparently there's nothing wrong with roasting marshmallows over a COP CAR!
  12. Sherri

    Sherri Guest

    Check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONMxKAwSFWw
    He smashes the window at 0:53.
  13. With a damning photo like that, he's pretty much done.
  14. Really? Maybe if you people actually watched the news, and payed attention you would know that Vancouver as a whole HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS RIOT. It was planned well in advance by some simple minded hooligans. If you had any respect, you'd realized that thousands of "piece of s*** c*** retards" as you like to put it, were out there since 7am trying to restore our city YOU and the rest of Canada should be ashamed, you disgust me. How dare you comment on something without knowing the full story. Its times like these I'm proud to be from Vancouver, and disgusted to be a Canadian and grouped with the likes of you. I am appalled moreso by the outcry from the rest of Canada, then I am by what transpired last night. How DARE you classify the people in this city who left, and made way for the police to enter. Do you even think about those who were stuck there, with NO WAY of getting home? Your mother should be ashamed, and I hope one day Kharma bites you in the ass. You are the "piece of s*** c***". Seriously, you disgust me.
  15. You have NO IDEA what happened last night, and you should be down right ashamed of yourself for classifying EVERY Vancouverite in this group. Canada as a whole is shamed by this, and with people like you in the country, I am even more ashamed at the simple-minded-pig-headed mumbo jumbo coming out of you people's mouths. Have some respect you. I hope you realize that real Canucks fans had NOTHING to do with it, and if you didnt already know, thousands of people came into the city to clean it up.

    Admin note: removed some verbal abuse - FV
    We had our little laugh at the troll, there's no need to sink to his/her level.
    Gillie Dunn likes this.
  16. Defendor

    Defendor Guest


    Unless Jason has a twin brother, at 0:45-0:53 of the YouTube video I've linked, you can see someone wearing a blue shirt, similar to the one that Jason is wearing, as well as similar glasses and belt at the BMO in question. He swings twice at the glass partitions of the BMO before handing the stick off to someone else. He reappears at the 1:41 mark with the same stick in hand. Based on what I can see in that video he didn't take the stick away from anyone.
  17. Catcha

    Catcha Guest

    Uhm, it's called a group of thugs taking advantage of the huge crowd to start a riot. Don't judge a people as a whole, judge them individually. Thanks for being ignorant.
  18. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    Apparently Jason Li holds a leadership position at a Richmond air cadets unit. Someone on another forum emailed his superiors who replied with this:
  19. There are reports that Jason Li was handcuffed at his school today and escorted out by police.
  20. Catcha

    Catcha Guest

    Guys, don't feed the troll. Plus, this is funny because he totally contradicts himself by saying "we have the IQ of a fifth grader" and "we don't know how to handle ourself maturely". Mmhm, idiots can be funny.
    Forum Vancouver likes this.

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