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Vancouver Riot Downtown after Canucks Lose Stanley Cup 2011

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by milquetoast, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. JayTrumm

    JayTrumm Guest

    Could you offer a link to any reports? This would be very good news as would be the news of the construction company firing Connor.
  2. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

  3. Anon

    Anon Guest


    ohh shit, i think the guys on the left used to go to david thompson secondary.

    far left - Kevin Hoang http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=785465036
    masked blue jersey - Vincent Wong, went to tecumseh and david thompson
    green cap - O'Neal Basra
    cheeseshredder likes this.
  4. Surrey

    Surrey Guest

    oh snap...
  5. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member



    More kids:


  6. 7783869761

    7783869761 Guest


    This is Darren Watroba:
  7. annonamess

    annonamess Guest

    hey so look just have to say this because it is rediculous you people need to relise that your action affect everyone so your fucking team lost get over it now you made canada look stupid immature and all around dumb like really did you have to destroy. everything in your city just because of a hockey team lost.

    You can say what you like to defend your action but everyone in vancouver look like a bunch of kids yes i am canadian but im ashamed of it at this point because of what you have all done i am at a loss for words i just wanted to share my displeasure with your actions and i did not no where else to do it so i went to a forum i apologize to the people that did not do anything you have now been put in a group of people that need to grow up and for that i feel bad.
  8. Anonny

    Anonny Guest

  9. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

  10. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    With all the hate going around, I think I should mention that those that are wishing death and other horrible things to the people participating in the riots are no better than they are. Think about what you're saying, people. You're wishing death on somebody that took two swings at a glass window?

    It doesn't excuse what the rioters have done and they should definitely feel the consequences, but human psychology is flawed in the sense that we easily follow mob mentality and peer pressure. Coupled with alcohol, I am sure that many of the armchair critics would fall victim to mob mentality. I am also sure there many of the rioters are regretful for what they've done.

    Before anyone accuses me of being a part of the riot, read my previous posts :).
  11. I agree with the idea that these people should not be killed or threatened. However, ID'ing them should be done. The group mentality thing is history, people want to stand out. That is why they make the facebook pages and the posts. Very well, if you want to be unique and post about how cool you are, here is the result.

    I have seen a few people who posted about being there and being scared, trying to get out. They were in the middle of this and never wanted to be a part. They did not go home and post about how cool it was or what they did on their FB. So just being in the crowd is not a valid excuse.
  12. Pengola

    Pengola Guest

    The spectators are just as moronic as the riotters for egging that intense atmosphere on.
  13. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

  14. MtCal

    MtCal Guest

    There's video footage of him grabbing the stick and trying to smash the window.
  15. vitalbeach

    vitalbeach Guest

    yup, he goes to my school.
  16. mationfb

    mationfb Guest

    in an earthquake, will it be the looters that define our city or the caring citizens? we def won't be as civil as japan though.
  17. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

    No argument to that. It's just that some people in the facebook group are suffering from the same kind of mob mentality as the rioters. Seriously, taking screencaps of yourself sending death threats to alleged rioters? That's probably worse than 90% of the rioters.
  18. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member

  19. milquetoast

    milquetoast Senior Member


    Tim Kwong apologizes:
  20. HelloBC

    HelloBC Guest

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